7th, 14th, 21st December – Free parking in Stafford and Stone, except Riverside and Waterfront car parks

Shoppers may be able to park for free in Stafford and Stone town centre on three key days in the run up to Christmas.
Stafford Borough Council is proposing to waive charges on its car parks on the three Saturdays before Christmas to encourage more people to visit the town centres to boost trade for local businesses over the festive season.
The free car parking period would run throughout the day from Saturday 7 December and on the following two weeks – 14th and 21st – and would apply to all borough council managed car parks in the town centres – except the Riverside and Waterfront car parks in Stafford.
The move has been welcomed by the business community who said it would be a nice present for shoppers and traders this Christmas.
Council leader, Aidan Godfrey, said: “These three days are some of the busiest times of the year for shops, pubs, cafes, restaurants, and a host of other businesses, and what we are proposing would help them capitalise on the festive spirit by enticing more people to the town centres in Stafford and Stone.”
A list of Stafford Borough Council run car parks can be found at www.staffordbc.gov.uk/parking